Murni Jaya Bus Overturned, 3 People Died and 27 Injured


Murni Jaya Bus Overturned, 3 People Died and 27 Injured

There was a single accident involving one bus, namely Murni Jaya Bus with  Labuan Pandeglang-Kalideres route , West Jakarta, with the police number A-7670-KC on March 18, 2017. The accident occurred at 07.30 am at KM 6 Jakarta-Merak Toll or Serang city of Banten.

In the incident, 3 people died including a driver and 27 others were injured. The wounded were treated in Sari Asih Hospital, Serang, while the dead victim was taken to RSUD Drajat prawiranegara, Serang, for visum.

According to witnesses, the accident occurred because the bus lost control after overtaking some vehicles. The bus ran in high speed in lane 2 of Merak leads to Tangerang. In addition, the road conditions are slippery because  rainy season makes the driver can not control the bus and the tire slips. The bus drove from Pandeglang to Jakarta was sunk in a ditch and overturned.