Active Cases Return to Rise, the community is expected to be disciplined in health protocols


Active Cases Return to Rise, the community is expected to be disciplined in health protocols

Right on August 9, 2022, COVID-19 pandemic conditions in Indonesia again experienced improvement nationally, this is because the daily recovery rate increased by 4850, which was divided into 4,825 local transmissions and 25 Foreign Travel Actors (PPLN). With this number, the cumulative number continues to increase and has now penetrated 6 million people who have been declared cured.

However, nationally active cases of COVID-19 patients requiring medical treatment increased to 1408 cases and the death rate also increased to 1 case of local transmission, so that currently the cumulative number of active cases reached 51,041 cases and the national death toll became 157,131 cases.

With the numbers above, we need to instill a sense of discipline in implementing health protocols and following vaccination programs. Because only then will we be able to build herd immunity, and minimize illness, hospitalization, and death caused by exposure to COVID-19.

Continue to apply clean and healthy living behavior, as well as hasten to check with the nearest health facility if you experience symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, cough, loss of taste or smell chest pain, and difficulty breathing, this is done so that patients can get immediate treatment. quickly and by the procedures for handling confirmed COVID-19 patients.