Landslide at Cangkringan Mine, 2 People died


Landslide at Cangkringan Mine, 2 People died

Landslide disaster occurred at a manual mining site in Padukuhan Pangukrejo, Umbulharjo Village, Cangkringan Subdistrict, Sleman on Saturday (19/08/2017).

Landslide material as high as 8 meters. As a result of this incident 2 people died. 1 person minor injured and was treated at the location.

Based on witness testimony, landslide occurred in one part of the cliff. At that time there were three manual miners. Landslide occurred during the day at around 11:30 am. At that time the three manual miners were resting by lounging under a normally shady cliff.

They rest after nearly half a day mining the sand manually. Suddenly, the cliff where they take shelter hit by landslides and pile up them. Two victims died at the scene. One person survived but suffered injuries.