Dozens of residents houses burned in Binjai


Dozens of residents houses burned in Binjai

Fire incident occured on Tuesday (21/11) in Binjai City, North Sumatra. As a result 32 residents houses densely settled houses were burned. There were no casualties in the incident, but dozens of families lost their houses. The fire occurred precisely at Ikan Tenggiri Street and Suratin Timbang Street, Langkat Village, East Binjai Sub-district, Binjai City, North Sumatera.

The incident occurred at around 12:00 pm, fire quickly grabbed the settlement and burned houses. Firefighters deploy 10 fire trucks to extinguished the fire.

Because of strong winds and many of buildings which made of wood made the fire grew and continued to grab the other houses. Losses from this fire incident can reach hundreds of millions of Rupiah.

The fire could be extinguished an hour later, the alleged cause of the fire is still under investigation by the authorities. According to witnesses, fire was first seen from one of the resident”s houses. Previously residents heard the explosion of gas tube, then the fire blasted and enlarged to scorch dozens of houses residents.

Currently the residents assisted by officers still help cool the building debris, while searching for the remaining valuables that can still be saved, then the temporary property evacuated in Timbang Langkat Elementary School.