Transportation Accidents in 1 District, SEMARANG CITY, CENTRAL JAVA | 13-09-2017


Transportation Accidents in 1 District, SEMARANG CITY, CENTRAL JAVA | 13-09-2017

Transportation accident occurred near the Police Academy (Akpol), Sultan Agung Street, Semarang. Collision between 1 bus, 1 car, and 2 motors that caused 2 people died instantly. This accident occurred on Wednesday, September 13, 2017 morning. Prima Santosa tourism bus was just out of Noorman hotel in dr Wahidin Street, Semarang.

Bus carried 18 pilgrims from Pasuruan who will go to Pekalongan is experiencing brake failure and hit 2 motorcycles and 1 car. As a result of this incident 2 victims died.



District / City Health Office Efforts:

• Monitoring and Coordination with the related sectors

• Helping to evacuate dead victims


Provincial Health Office Efforts:

• Coordinate with Semarang City Health Office


Regional Health Service Efforts:



Ministry of Health Efforts:

• Conduct Monitoring and Reporting


More info contact,


Institution: Satlantas Polrestabes Semarang

Name of Reporter:


Phone Number: (024) 7623232