Preliminary information Floods in two districts, Pasuruan, East Java | 02-03-2017


Preliminary information Floods in two districts, Pasuruan, East Java | 02-03-2017

From Health Crisis Center report of the floods that occurred in the two sub-districts, Kraton, Pohjentrek, Pasuruan, East Java on 02-03-2017.

In the preliminary data obtained from the local health department and coordination with several relevant agencies, the number of victims can be informed were  0 people, consisting of 0 people died, 0 people missing, 0 Major Injuries/ Inpatient 0 Minor Injuries/ Outpatient and 0 refugees.



Efforts District Health Office / City:

• Monitoring and coordination across related sectors

• A medical examination to victims.


Efforts Provincial Health Department:

• Coordination with Pasuruan"s DHO


Efforts Regional Health Department:

• Monitoring and reporting


Efforts MoH:

• Monitoring and reporting


More info contact,

Agencies: Pusdalops BPBDs East Java Province



Phone Number: