Heavy Wind in 2 Subdistricts, BULUKUMBA, SOUTH SULAWESI | 13-07-2017


Heavy Wind in 2 Subdistricts, BULUKUMBA, SOUTH SULAWESI | 13-07-2017

Heavy rains accompanied by heavy wind occurred in the Kindang district and Rilau sub-district on Thursday July 143, 2017 at 2.30 pm.

Affected areas:

- Kindang Sub-District, Benteng Palioli vilalge about 50 houses damaged

- Rilau Sub District, Topanda Village, Mattiwalie Hamlet 1 Unit of the house is flattened with soil and 14 houses light damaged, Heavy Winds also resulted in clove and pepper garden damaged. 2 peoples are reported injured because this incident.



District / City Health Office Efforts:

Monitoring and Coordination with the related cross sectors.

Providing Health Services In PKM Bontobangun.


Effort of Provincial Health Office:

Coordinate with Bulukumba District Health Office


Regional Health Service Efforts:


Ministry of Health Efforts:

Monitoring and reporting


More info contact,

Agency: Bulukumba District Health Office

Name of Reporter: Mr. Ihwan, SKM


Phone Number: 0813-5572-6321