Flood in 1 District, CILACAP, CENTRAL JAVA | 16-10-2017


Flood in 1 District, CILACAP, CENTRAL JAVA | 16-10-2017

There has been a flood in the Penggungsari Village, Nusawungu Subdistrict, Cilacap District. High rainfall and normalization of the Sibelis river has not been completed and also the disfunction of the Gatel river valve.

480 people Affected at Kemrocong village with water height 10 - 30 cm. 584 people affected at Penggungsari village with water level reached 20 - 40 cm. and also flooded 25 Ha of wetland fields.  Refugees as many as 3 families displaced to the nearest family home. There was no casualties in this incident.



District / City Health Office Efforts:

Monitoring and Coordination with related cross sectors

Present health services in Public Health Center


Provincial Health Office Efforts:

Coordinate with District Health Office Cilacap


Regional Health Service Efforts:


Ministry of Health Efforts:

Monitoring and Reporting


More info contact,


Agency: BPBD Central Java Province

Name of Reporter:


Phone Number: (024) 3519904