Field Visit of Faculty of Public Health Sciences Sriwijaya University


Field Visit of Faculty of Public Health Sciences Sriwijaya University

A total of 80 students from the Sriwijaya University Public Health Science Study Program were accompanied by four lecturers to visit the Health Ministry"s Health Crisis Center on Tuesday, 31st October 2017 and received directly by the Head of the Health Crisis Center, dr. Achmad Yurianto.


During this visit, the Head of the Health Crisis Center presented his presentation on policy and management of health crisis management in Indonesia which ended with discussion and question and answer session. After listening to the exposure, the students were invited to the Health Crisis Center room. There students are invited to visit the areas and sections that are in the Health Crisis Center and are invited to discuss the scope of work of each field and the relevant sections. In addition, the students also visited the Monitoring Room and explained about the monitoring work system and health crisis information handling system.


It is expected that from the results of this visit, the students know and study related policies and management of health crisis management, mainly focus on disaster risk reduction and the role of universities in disaster response activities.