Extraordinary Events (KLB) - Poisoning in 1 District, Padang Panjang City, WEST SUMATERA | 11-07-2017


Extraordinary Events (KLB) - Poisoning in 1 District, Padang Panjang City, WEST SUMATERA | 11-07-2017

There has been an outbreak of Food Poisoning at West Sumatra 1 High School on Tuesday July 11, 2017 around 8.00 am. From 330 students whom ate soup, 49 students started feeling sickness (dizziness, nausea), 19 people entered Emergency Installment, 19 people went home, and 30 people handled in School Health Service. Samples obtained in the form of vomit and meatballs materials, sent to LABKESDA & BPOM on Tuesday afternoon.


District / City Health Office Efforts:

Monitoring and Coordination with the related cross sector

Provide health services to outbreak victims.


Effort of Provincial Health Office:

Coordinate with Padang Panjang City Health Office


Regional Health Service Efforts:


Ministry of Health Efforts:

Monitoring and reporting


More info contact,

Institution: Padang Lama City Health Office

Name of Reporter:


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