Education on Disaster Risk Reduction Efforts for School Children in IIBF


Education on Disaster Risk Reduction Efforts for School Children in IIBF

Health Crisis Center with Bureau of Communications and Public Service Ministry of Health (RI) to enliven Indonesia International Book Fair (IIBF) 2017 which held September 6-10 at Assembly Hall Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Central Jakarta. In addition to introducing the owned library, Ministry of Health also conducts education related to disaster risk reduction to school children, for example about what to do in the event of a disaster and after a disaster or how to prevent diseases that occur after the disaster.

In addition, the Ministry of Health also provides several information products related to health crisis prevention efforts, such as Pocket Books for Health Officers, Book Review of Crisis Response Health and Books Crisis Response Efforts for School Children. In addition to educating in the form of stories, Ministry of Health also provide themed quiz health crisis to visitors stand. Visitors were able to complete the quiz questions correctly will get souvenirs from the Ministry of Health.