Exhibition activity in the framework of Rakerkesnas 2016

Wednesday, 06 April 2016


"Rakerkesnas" (National Health Work Meeting) activities in 2016  which was opened by the Minister of Health Prof. dr. Nila Farid Moelok, Sp.M, (K) on Wednesday morning also filled by the ..

Regional Capacity Assessment in Health Crisis Management with the Berau health office

Friday, 11 March 2016


Health Crisis Center held a joint meeting with the Berau Health Office and Cross program, discussing aboout Health Crisis assistance followed by attended by many cross-program include:     PHC     Dr. abdul ..

Technical Coordination Meeting with Regional Subregional PKK

Saturday, 05 March 2016


In order to improve the synergy and performance, the Health Crisis Center of Ministry of Health with the PPK Regional and Sub-Regional held a technical coordination meeting in Semarang on ..

Health Ministry help flood victims in Riau Province

Saturday, 20 February 2016


Health Ministry help flood victims in Riau Province. Ministry of Health help includes a team of RHA (Rapid Health Assessment) as well as logistic support in the form of complementary ..

Curriculum Development and Officer Capacity Building TOT Modules In Preparation Assistance Contingency Plan Workshop

Saturday, 20 February 2016


Curriculum Development and Officer Capacity Building TOT Modules In Preparation Assistance Contingency Plan WorkshopHealth Crisis Center held a "Curriculum Development and Officer Capacity Building TOT Modules In Preparation Assistance Contingency ..

1st Draft Meeting Regarding Health Crisis Review Book

Friday, 12 February 2016


1st Draft Meeting Regarding Health Crisis Review BookFirst draft meeting regarding the preparation of the health crisis management review book in 2015, which took place in 6th floor Health Crisis ..

Inauguration of Ministry of Health Echelon II and III

Thursday, 04 February 2016


Inauguration of Ministry of Health Echelon II and III posts was held in the Ministry of Health building at the beginning of January 2016, this event is a series of ..

Inauguration activities of Echelon II, III and IV

Monday, 01 February 2016


Inauguration activities of Echelon II, III and IV, held in early January 2016 intends to strengthen the performance and service community to tackle the health crisis in Indonesia...

Head of Health Crisis Center in Webinar with UGM

Friday, 22 January 2016


Gajah Mada University (UGM) invite the Head of Health Crisis Center, dr. Achmad Yurianto to be one of the speakers at the Kaleidoscope Seminar 2015 and Health Disaster Outlook Management ..

Training On How To Use Evacuation Eqiupment On Human At Water

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


On 28 Mei to 31 Mei 2009 in Sanur, Bali Province, Crisis Center Ministry of Health conducted Training on How To Use Evacuation Equipment on Human at Water. This training ..