Training On How To Use Evacuation Eqiupment On Human At Water


Training On How To Use Evacuation Eqiupment On Human At Water

On 28 Mei to 31 Mei 2009 in Sanur, Bali Province, Crisis Center Ministry of Health conducted Training on How To Use Evacuation Equipment on Human at Water. This training officially opened by Head of Crsis Center Ministry of Health.

The purposes of this training are:

  1. To increase the ability of health officer on basic life support and disaster victims especially at Water.
  2. To increase the ability of health officer to prepare and to use the rubber boat  with  paddler or patching boat engine on flood disaster.
  3. To increase the ability of health officer to do maintanance of  the ruber boat and  its equipment.
  4. To increase the ability of health officer on evacuation of the disaster victim on water.

Subjet of this training :

  1. SAR Philosophy.
  2. Disaster Management Overview.
  3. Basic Life Support (Theory dan Practice).
  4. Introducing of rubber boat, assembling and dissambling of the rubber boat.
  5. Lifting and carrying technique of the rubber boat.
  6. Paddling technique
  7. Inrtroducung of patching boat engine.
  8. Lifting, carrying, and patching technique of the patching boat engine.
  9. Storage and maintenance technique of the patching boat engine. 
  10. Evacuation of disaster victim on water technique.
  11. Ring Boy Technique
  12. Paddling on water technique.
  13. Driving technique of the rubber boat with patching boat engine
  14. Cleaning and folding tecnique of the rubber boat.

Training methods of this training are lecture, demontration, and drilling. Training approach uses  "adult training" method. Teaching and learning interaction implemented by two way communication, so it is possible for both sides to exchange  informations.

There are 56 participants and speakers of this traning. They are coming from:

  1. 3 persons from Provincial Health Offices
  2. 2 persons from hospitals.
  3. 3 persons from National SAR Board.
  4. 5 persons from Provincial SAR Board.
  5. 1 person from Provincial Indonesian Red Cross.
  6. 1 person from Port Health Office.
  7. 11 persons from Ministry of Health main unit.
  8. 1 persons from WHO.
  9. 29 persons from Crisis Center Ministry of Health.

This training close by Head of Crisis Center Ministry of Health.