Transportation Accidents in 1 District, SEMARANG, CENTRAL JAVA | 29-08-2017


Transportation Accidents in 1 District, SEMARANG, CENTRAL JAVA | 29-08-2017

There has been a transportation accident at Soekarno Hatta Street, Harjosari Village, Bawen Sub-district August 29, 2017 at 1.30 pm. The accident caused by a container truck from the north which suspected brake failure, container truck hit a wood truck, box car, and motorcycle, and hit a stall. 5 people died, 2 people who have been identifie and 6 people injured.


District / City Health Office Efforts:

Conduct Monitoring and coordination with related cross-sector Evacuating and Giving yankes to the victims.


Effort of Provincial Health Office:

Coordinate with Semarang District Health Office


Regional Health Service Efforts:


Ministry of health Efforts:


Monitoring and reporting


More info contact,


Institution: PPK Regional Central Java

Name of Reporter: Mr. Wiwik


Phone Number: 0858-6540-0297