Preliminary information Extraordinary Events (KLB) - Poisoning in one sub-district, Garut, West Java | 01-07-2016


Preliminary information Extraordinary Events (KLB) - Poisoning in one sub-district, Garut, West Java | 01-07-2016

Health Crisis Center disaster : Extraordinary Events (KLB) - Poisoned, occurred in 1 districts, Karangpawitan, Garut, West Java on 01-07-2016.

In the preliminary data obtained from the local health department and coordination with several relevant agencies, the number of victims can be informed were 7 people, consisting of 0 people died, 0 people missing, 0 Major Injury / Hospitalization, 7 Minor Injury / Outpatient and 0 refugees.


Efforts District Health Office / City:

Providing health services in Puskesmas Karangmulya

An epidemiological investigation

Bring food samples to Labkesda

Efforts Provincial Health Department:

Coordinate with Garut Health Office in terms of monitoring

Efforts Regional Health Department:

DKI Jakarta Regional PPK : Monitoring

Efforts MoH:

Monitoring and reporting

More info contact,

Agencies: Garut Health Office
Reporting Name: Ade
Phone Number : 081321682384