Local Capacity Assessment Activity in Health Crisis Management Management in South Kalimantan Province, Kota Baru and Tanah Laut District


Local Capacity Assessment Activity in Health Crisis Management Management in South Kalimantan Province, Kota Baru and Tanah Laut District

Health Crisis Center at 2015 - 2019 establishes 170 districts / disaster-prone areas as a target for Disaster Risk Reduction activities. This target is a combination of BNPB"s strategic target of 136 districts / municipalities during 2015-2019, as well as problematic areas of health of the border and archipelago.

The activities undertaken are a series of activities ranging from the assessment of regional capacity in the implementation of crisis management, assistance in the preparation of response maps and maps of regional capacity, assistance in the preparation of health contingency plans, table top exercises, and rehearsal.

Assessment of 34 districts / cities in 2017 is a series of disaster reduction activities in third year, previously have been implemented in 34 districts / cities in 2015 and 34 more cities in 2016. For 2017, Kota Baru and Tanah Laut District, South Kalimantan Province is one of the objectives of regional capacity assessment activities in the implementation of health crisis prevention. For Kota Baru District, visits other than District Health Offices, Health Crisis Center Team visited Kota Baru District Hospital, BPBD Kota Baru and Mekarpura Public Health Center which is a disaster prone area.

In Tanah Laut District, besides visiting the District Health Office and Tanah Laut Hospital, the team also visited Bati Bati Public Health Office, which is located in the border area of ​​Banjar Baru with flood-prone areas, transportation accident and prone to industrial disaster, because of its adjacent location with 3 factories, namely food factories, feed mills and asbestos. The activities held on 21 - 25 March 2017, are part of a series of disaster risk reduction activities of district / cities which is the target of the Ministry of Health"s strategic plan for 2017.

The implementation of This activity consists of in-depth interviews and visits to provincial health offices, district and city health offices, provincial and district hospitals, and public health office. Follow-up of the capacity assessment activities above is followed by advisory activities for the preparation of response maps and maps of regional capacity, assistance in the preparation of health contingency plans, table top exercises, and rehearsal.