Extraordinary Events (KLB) - Poisoning in 1 District, PONOROGO, EAST JAVA | 08-12-2017


Extraordinary Events (KLB) - Poisoning in 1 District, PONOROGO, EAST JAVA | 08-12-2017

There was a report from Bondrang Public Health Center Sawoo Sub-district Ponorogo District at December 8th 2017, 07.30 am that there are some residents suffering from symptoms with nausea, vomiting, severe abdominal pain, heat that is likely due to food poisoning. Poisoning allegedly due to the food served during a citizen"s anniversary. As a result of this incident total of 19 people consists of 1 Person Died, and 18 people hospitalized. Health office has taken samples for laboratory test.


District / City Health Office Efforts:

Conduct Monitoring and Coordination with related cross sectors
Providing health services to victims.
Taking food samples for laboratory tests.

Effort of Provincial Health Office:

Coordinate with Ponorogo District Health Office.

Ministry of Health Efforts:

Monitoring and Reporting

More info contact,

Institution: Ponorogo District Health office
Name of Reporter: Drg Rini
Position: -
No. Phone: 0852 5749 1330