Landslide in East Luwu, 7 People Died

Saturday, 13 May 2017


Heavy rain with long intensity has caused a landslide disaster in Harapan Makmur I Hamlet, Maliwowo Village, Angkona Sub-district, East Luwu District, on Friday, May 12, 2017, at around 5:30 ..

5 People Buried in Landslide in Mahakam Ulu

Wednesday, 10 May 2017


Heavy rain intensity caused landslides in Gunung Pancang located in Long Bagun Ulu Village, Long Bagun Sub-District on May 09, 2017. In the incident 5 people were reportedly buried in ..

How to Overcome Flood Disaster

Wednesday, 10 May 2017


Prolonged heavy rainfall can lead to flood disasters that often hit Indonesia region. Unavoidable floods can damage the environment and the residence which can lead to a health crisis. Here are ..

7.1 SR Earthquake Shake Sangihe Islands

Thursday, 04 May 2017


West Sangihe Archipelago struck with 7.1SR with locations of 5.49 degrees North Latitude and 125.14 degrees East Longitude with a depth of 48 Kilometers. From BMKG analysis the occurrence of ..

First Aid In Food and Drug Poisoning

Thursday, 04 May 2017


Eating in a fancy place does not guarantee the food is always hygienic and safe to eat. Sometimes food that enters the stomach mixes and shows an allergic reaction that ..

Factors of Landslide Occurrence

Wednesday, 26 April 2017


Landslides usually occur in areas where there are many slopes with a slope of above 45 degrees, although it may also occur on flat ground but the chances are smaller. ..

Landslide at SOLOK District, WEST SUMATERA, 25-04-2017

Wednesday, 26 April 2017


The landslides occured due to high rainfall since at 1:00 pm until the afternoon. During the incident, two people who riding motorbikes on their way home from the fields become ..

The Cause of Hail in Bandung

Tuesday, 25 April 2017


[Wednesday, 19 April 2017] Heavy rain accompanied by strong winds hit the city of Bandung. Even in some areas observed hail with varying intensity. Analysis while the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics ..

The collapse of Cipamingkis bridge

Tuesday, 25 April 2017


[Thursday, April 13, 2017] Around 23:00 WIB Cipamingkis Bridge on Jl. Transyogi Cibubur-Cianjur precisely in Kp. Jagaita Jonggol Village Jonggol District Bogor Regency collapsed due to the bridge foundation hit ..

Transportation Accidents in 1 Sub-district, CIREBON CITY, WEST JAVA | 22-04-2017

Saturday, 22 April 2017


There was a succession of accidents caused hearse car crashed into a truck which was stopped at the side of the highway, then came from behind the daihatsu xenia and ..