Assistance for the Preparation of Response Map in Central Sulawesi Province, 8-11 May 2017


Assistance for the Preparation of Response Map in Central Sulawesi Province, 8-11 May 2017

A response map is a description of the hazards, capacities and vulnerabilities which set forth in a medium that will serve as a reference for health clusters in emergencies.

The ability of health workers to respond to emergencies can be seen from emergency planning. Preparation of accurate response maps can facilitate planning in emergency situations. The Health Crisis Center counseled the preparation of response maps in the response to the health crisis in Central Sulawesi Province on 8-11 May, 2017.

Participants come from districts / municipalities which became the target of Health Crisis Center strategic plan that is Palu City, Sigi, Poso, Morowali, Donggala and Parigi Moutong. The participants come from Health offices, BPBD, RSUD and Kodim in the district / city. Expert speakers are from Pusdikes Kodiklat TNI Army and Health Crisis Center, while facilitator were from Central Sulawesi Provincial Health Office.

Central Sulawesi province is conflict-prone areas related to SARA issues, but the compilation of response map documents created with the threat of floods and flash floods. Social disaster conflicts are not raised in these activities, as conflict issues have caused trauma to open up “old wounds” and disrupt current security stability.